Bayswater Primary School Logo


The Bayswater Primary School P&C, a voluntary organisation, provides parent with the opportunity to have a voice and contribute to the education of their children. With the support of many volunteers from the school community, our P&C provides our students with additional amenities and services. Money raised from P&C Voluntary Contributions, as well as other fundraising activities, is used to upgrade the school's facilities, buy resources and enhance social and learning environments.

Our P&C gives parents an opportunity to:

  • Learn about the school's policies and programs
  • Share in shaping and developing school policies
  • Share information and views
  • Assist the school in building positive attitudes to students and their families
  • Helps raise funds to provide extra resources


The P&C provides a number of services to the Bayswater Primary School community:

  • Canteen

    Our canteen operates on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, providing food service at recess and lunch time.

    Parents are encouraged to complete orders online using QuickCliq, but in person ordering is also available in the morning at the canteen. Cash and Eftpos payments are accepted.

    All orders are required by 9 am on the day of service.

    If you would like to volunteer, please contact Bernadette, the canteen coordinator. Canteen email:

    Visit the Canteen Page for more information.

  • Fundraising Activities

    The P&C raises money to improve the school’s learning resources and environment both in and outside of the classrooms. Fundraising is a whole school community exercise, and we cannot fundraise without the support of our generous families. Our fundraisers are also an opportunity for parents (and teachers) to just have fun and socialise.

  • BookClub

Love reading? You can support the school by purchasing books from Scholastic Book Club.  

For every Book Club order placed, Scholastic gives 15% (10% for home deliveries) of the order spent to the school in Scholastic Rewards – these can be used by the school to purchase valuable educational resources and library books.

The Book Club Magazine is sent out twice per term and orders can be made via the Scholastic LOOP app for free delivery to the school.

If you have any questions, please contact the BookClub Coordinator.

  • Second-hand Uniform                                                                                                                           

There is a range of second-hand clothing available to purchase at the Second-hand Uniform store. Prices start at just $5 per item.

You can support the Second-hand Uniform store by donating items you no longer need – simply leave them at the school reception.

If you have any questions, please contact the Uniform Coordinator. Email: 

  • Eco Hub 
Recycling station

The Recycling station, located in the Breezeway (near the senior toilets), is your one-stop-shop for recycling hard to recycle items! This includes plastic, steel and aluminium bottle caps, coffee cups, batteries, bread and plant info tags, oral care items, and pens and markers.

Containers for Change

The P&C also supports the school’s efforts to raise money with Containers for Change. Simply drop your eligible containers off in any of the bins provided at the School or elect to donate your rebate when dropping your containers at any collection point.

Our Scheme ID is C10277186.

How to be involved

There are many ways to be involved in the P&C. New faces are always welcome at meetings and any contribution whether it be time, ideas or funds is greatly appreciated.


Annual membership to the P&C costs just $1, which can be paid in cash or by bank transfer (preferred). By officially joining the P&C, you will be kept up to date with P&C activities and be able to vote on motions at P&C meetings.

To become a member, please contact the P&C Secretary


The P&C holds two meetings each term in the school library. Meetings are generally held in week 3 and week 7 – dates can be found on the school planner.

The P&C notifies the community of the meetings one week before, via email for those who are on the mailing list and the WhatsApp Community group (for more information on these communication channels, and how to join them, please see the next section).

You don’t have to be a member to attend the meetings, but you do need to be a member of the P&C if you would like to vote on any of the motions.

If you are interested in reading about what goes on at a P&C meeting, please visit our SharePoint page where you can find agendas, minutes and reports from previous meetings.

Class Representatives

Our P&C Class Representatives (Class Reps) are an integral part of ensuring our Baysie families are kept in the know and up to date with P&C news and events.

At the start of each school year, the P&C calls for P&C Class Reps. Each class can have one or more reps.

What's involved?

As a Class Rep, you are asked to support the P&C by:

  • Providing class families with information about the P&C and relevant school matters
  • Acting as a conduit of information between the P&C and class families.

Class families are encouraged to approach Class Reps with questions related to the P&C. Class Reps can then raise these questions and concerns at a P&C general meeting or in the Class Reps chat group. Alternatively, the Class Rep can provide families with details of who to contact directly.

  • Attending P&C meetings

Please email the P&C Secretary for more information. 

When nominating to be a Class Rep, we ask you to join the Class Reps WhatsApp group. This chat group provides a direct communication link between the Class Reps and the P&C Committee and is a central place for Class Reps to ask questions/raise concerns directly with the P&C Committee.

Voluntary Financial Contribution

There is a voluntary contribution of $30 per child ($7.50 per term) which is used to support P&C activities. This, and any other cash contribution, can be made at any time of the year, but is usually asked for at the end of each year.

Got an idea? Share it here!

Do you have a burning passion, great idea or an interest in volunteering? The P&C warmly welcomes suggestions and ideas that will help our kids have a great school experience.

If you have an idea on how we can do this, please reach out and let us know! Contact the P&C Secretary or complete this form.

Skills register

We know our community is full of gifted and talented people. If you are willing and able to assist the P&C with certain tasks or activities, we ask that you share your talents with us by registering your skills with us. This could be event management, grant applications, gardening and sustainability, IT, handy with a hammer...

The skills register allows us to directly approach our community when we need support, hopefully saving the P&C both time and money in sourcing contractors and volunteers. You can register your skills by completing this form. 

More Information

For more information about being a P&C Member, P&C meetings, information on how to join the mailing list or the WhatsApp Community, or anything else, please contact the P&C Secretary


The P&C communicates with the community via email and a WhatsApp Community Group.


The P&C primarily uses email to advise of P&C meetings, providing members with the agenda of the upcoming meeting and minutes and reports from the previous meeting.

P&C WhatsApp Community Group

The P&C WhatsApp Community Group is a more active and casual communication channel. The Announcements page advises members of P&C meetings, events and volunteer opportunities and provides information about relevant whole school activities. There are also individual year and class groups to help families connect with each other.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list or the Community Group, please email the P&C Secretary

Meet the Team

Office Bearers

President – Dayna Cenin

Vice President – Sneha Shankar

Secretary (link to – Tania Fisher

Treasurer (link to – James Sawyer

Executive Committee Members



Kylie Seal-Pollard -

Managers and Coordinators

Canteen Manager (link to – Bernadette O’Connell

Uniform Shop Coordinator ( – Beth Sawyer

Book Club Coordinator – Johanna Lynch

Fundraising Coordinator (link to – Amy Robinson

More Info