Bayswater Primary School Logo
Published: 10 Jun 2019

Faction Cross Country

  1.  Year 1 and 2 students will undertake their events between 9.00 – 9.45 am on the school oval.
  2.  Year 3 -6 students will undertake their events at Frank Drago Reserve, with the Year 3 boys, the first event to commence at approximately 1.10 pm.

 All students are encouraged to participate, as each and every one of them earn points on a sliding scale for their faction. For example in a group of 20 students 15th place will earn 6 pts whilst 18th will earn 3 pts.

 Students will need;

  • Faction shirt, running shoes and shorts/skirt
  • Drink bottle
  • Sunscreen and towel (to cover for sun and wet weather)

 The team results will be announced, and Champions medals presented, at the School Assembly on Friday 21st June.

 All parents and supporters are invited to attend and cheer on this event.

 *If the event needs to be postponed due to extremely poor weather, a notification will be posted on the morning (Friday 14th).

When & Where
Jun 14
School Oval & Frank Drago Reserve